The President’s Message
Tina Wamala,
President 2022-25
This website forms part of PRAU’s numerous platforms utilized to share industry information, exchange views, as well as impart knowledge and skills. As you navigate the site, it is my hope that you get better appreciation of the Public Relations field and our roles in the different sectors we serve.

This category is designed for individual practitioners seeking to join the
Category targets corporate organizations which nominate two own PR members to join PRAU.
This membership category is extended to Chief Executives or any other heads of
PR Firms & SME
This membership category is institutional, and it applies to firms and SMEs active in the PR sector.
Category is for students that are pursuing PR or a PR related course from an institution of higher learning.
PRAU membership is open to all PR practitioners in Uganda, compare all plans.
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
“PR is extremely important, and being able to use it in the right way means everything. You have to market your success.”